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The main features of the YouControl system

Cooperation with contractors from aggressor countries and business with Belarus and Russia are undoubtedly risky.

This is due to the extremely high probability of occurrence:

  • negative monetary consequences
  • operating losses;
  • loss of reputation.

First of all, this is due to the application of sanctions. Business risk may be in the form of assets freezing, financial risks may appear in business, there may be restrictions on economic and monetary transactions. You can learn more about business risks on https://youcontrol.com.ua/en/articles/stop-russia%20/ at any convenient time, in an accessible, fast online mode.

What business risks may arise?

For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, there may be various business risks. Various licenses and permits may be annulled, entry bans may appear, cultural, scientific and other types of exchange may be terminated. This is already being applied today and is destroying the business of Russia and Belarus.

The system of sanctions is designed in such a way that international restrictions and prohibitions can automatically apply to partners who cooperate with those companies that are subject to sanctions. Most of the companies that fell under the sanctions are from Russia and Belarus. Counterparties of the company that have fallen under the sanctions are not able to carry out the relevant actions or operations.

Banks, using modern analytical mechanisms, effectively conduct financial activities. However, financial risks also apply to banks, they can be blocked with a complete freeze of financial assets. Because of this, such a risky business is destabilized. If you start cooperation with companies from such countries, they may also fall under international sanctions. Such cooperation also attracts the attention of law enforcement agencies. They control the relevant market, can conduct a detailed check at any time, and if there is a violation, the companies will be at risk.

The media provides an opportunity to openly obtain data and facts of various types of cooperation with Russian and Belarusian companies that were subject to sanctions. The image of a company that cooperates with the business of the aggressor countries is significantly deteriorating. People around the world condemn war, so their motivation to work in such companies is greatly reduced, and business efficiency becomes low.