Child’s love for animals
Far away before the child learns to walk, he will show interest in animals. This is especially noticeable if in the house where the child lives already has a cat or dog.
More adult children may be interested in various inhabitants living in cells, as well as aquariums.
Interest in animals in the baby manifests itself without outside help. But teaching a child to love and take care of him without causing pain is the task of parents.
Small children easily absorb everything that happens around, copying the behavior of those who surround him. Therefore, love and care for animals must be vaccinated in childhood. Parents should show a good attitude towards animals on their example. If day after day the baby sees the care and kindness of mom and dad in relation to the pet, then very soon, and he will show such feelings for him. After all, a child, who is instilled in a caring attitude to his dog or a cat, simply will not be able to treat him with indifference and cruelty.
There are recommendations that help to educate a child with a sense of responsibility and compassion for animals. After all, it’s not enough, just show your love for them.
It may happen that the child will bring a small puppy or cat home and ask him to shelter. Do not rush to refuse him. Such an answer will seem indifferent to him. After all, one cannot be cruel about someone else’s trouble. This situation is the basis of education.
At a certain age, every child asks his parents to have a pet at home. Before refusing, figure out what was the reason for this desire. Perhaps one of his friends has a four-legged friend, and he also wanted such a. It is possible that this is a fleeting impulse of feelings that will pass very soon.
Explain to your child that animals need to take care, feed, bathe, walk. The child should think well and make a decision himself. This will help him to realize that the life and comfort of his pet depends on him, and a lot of effort should be made to this.
If the house has a pet, then this develops responsibility in the child. Therefore, this should be taken into account if you suddenly decide to start a four -year -old friend for your baby. Carefully make sure that the child does not cause pain to the animal, not wanting it himself. In this case, the baby should explain how to communicate with the animal.
Children’s smile and positive emotions will help to overcome all the difficulties associated with the content of your favorite. Moreover, the service of delivery of feed for dogs or cats is now well developed so that you do not worry about it. They will help you and tell you that your pet is most suitable. In the veterinary clinic they will consult how it should be properly careful for it.
Hello!! My name is Jeanine
I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!