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Video domain

Video domain

Video domain-a modern electronic negotiation device equipped with a video camera and LCD display designed to transmit sound, image and execution of some commands (opening an electronic lock). The main purpose of the video intercom – face control of visitors, is undesirable, simply do not open the doors, thus carrying out the filtration of people who want to penetrate the room.

Video intercoms can be wired, and more expensive models are wireless, which greatly facilitates their installation and installation in the desired room. In the gradation of prices, the LCD display used in the intercom, for inexpensive models it is black and white, and for those that are more expensive-color.

The Forter online store offers a fairly wide range of various types of video intercoms and their accompanying goods. And here you can familiarize yourself and compare the advantages of a particular model, their capabilities and price. Qualified store consultants will provide you with comprehensive information on the purchase, installation and warranty service of any video intercom or intercom system.

The standard equipment of the video intercom consists of the following components:

The calling panel is installed next to the door and serves to communicate with visitors with

people located inside the building;

The switch is designed to transmit the signal to the apartment selected by the visitor;

Subscriber device, provides audio and video communication;

Video cameras, serves to transmit the image.

If necessary, this kit can be expanded by additional calling panels and video cameras. Some models of video intercoms provide a direct connection to the telephone line.

Video domain – a complex electronic device and its installation must perform specially trained personnel. Trust the qualified specialists of Forter and they will not let you down.



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