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Technology for installing a charger on an electric car

Today, electric vehicles are in great demand. However, to keep the car on the move, you need to take care of having your own charging station. But how to install ev charging station installers for electric car? We will talk about this later in the article.


To install a charging station, it is necessary to coordinate all actions with the managing organization. It is also necessary to obtain permission from the owner, conclude an installation and connection agreement with the organization that supplies electricity.

When a specialist arrives at the station installation site and conducts an assessment, he will draw up a scheme of the station, determine the timing of the work performed, their volume and features. Next, the installation of the meter and the protective installation designed for charging is carried out.

If the device is mounted in the yard, a project should be prepared where the wiring diagram for all wiring and installation of charging equipment will be placed. You should also prepare a separate parking space.

The next step is to obtain permission from the owner and send an application to the electricity supply company in order to conclude an electricity supply contract.


Before installing the station, it is necessary to check and determine the capacity of the object that is put into use. This is necessary in order to determine the power of the box designed to charge an electric vehicle. As a rule, the average connection power of a small house varies between 11-22 kW. You can also check the connection capacity in the contract, which was concluded with the electricity supplier company. When the load is determined, the target power of the device must be set.