Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Non -children’s advice for a children’s room

When planning the design of the children’s room, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of all family members. The most important critic should be the child himself. If the baby is still very small, then, by will – captivity, making decisions falls on your shoulders.

The location of the children’s room

When determining the place for the nursery, you need to remember that the room should go to the southern or western side of the world. The size of the room is not so important. There are many ideas for organizing space, both small and large rooms. If there are several children in the family and allows the area, then it is better to determine one room, like a sleeping one and the other to adapt to toys storage, working and gaming zones. If there is one large room in your location, then here you can come up with a solution: put a plasterboard partition. Over time, children should allocate separate rooms. “Personal zone” is very important for the child.

Color solutions in children’s

The color scheme should differ from the rest of the rooms. Your task is to emphasize that the baby settled here. No monotony and cold shades! Of course, in any business, the main thing is the “golden mean”, excessive brightness can tire. Designers recommend decorating the walls with two colors, for example, two yellow and two green. But in choosing accessories for the interior, your fantasy may not know the boundaries. The main thing is that small and fragile objects are located at an inaccessible height for the child.

Everything for the safety of the baby

The question of furniture in the children’s room must be approached with all seriousness. The main criteria for its choice are primarily security. This means that furniture should be made of natural and high -quality materials. Try to limit the number of protruding corners, resorting to the help of soft nozzles. Buy sockets with special curtains. This will reduce the risk for the baby to minimum.

Light is an important part of the children’s interior

The correct illumination of the children’s room is very important. This is especially true for the desk zone, because the child will spend a lot of time on crafts, drawings and other useful classes. To solve this problem, the acquisition of spotlights is suitable. With competent installation, any zones of the children’s room will be well lit.

We will learn the order

Toy storage – headache of any mother. In order to prevent the presence of constant chaos, it is necessary to organize a clear storage system. It is necessary to separate toys by size and composition of the material, so it will be more convenient to find for them a suitable place in the children’s game room.

Invent and fantasize with the baby. May your ideas come true in a children’s fairy tale and will delight others.