Floating state in the Maldives

With an average level of land 1.5 m. From the sea level of the Maldives – the lowest county on the planet with its highest point ending on 2.3m. above sea level. The country is in a terrible situation, since the levels of the seas are going to increase 59 cm above the sea level by 2100. This pace would probably be accelerated if natural disasters should be compiled. The 2004 tsunami touched many of the populated islands of the Maldives, where only 9 islands managed to avoid flooding. 57 islands were faced with serious damage to its infrastructure, 14 was to be completely evacuated, and 6 were undermined.

Physical destruction aside, the flood of the Maldives would also signal the destruction of the proud Maldives, as well as the complete loss of self -awareness of its people and sovereignty.While plans were made to buy land in India, Sri Lanka and Australia to keep the country’s movement, this essentially makes people of strangers of the Maldives in foreign countries. It is possible that this country of 400,000 people can live in vertical structures floating in its own waters. In the way, the inheritance and memory of the Maldives can live on, although in a very different repetition. At the same time, the republic in this new form may continue to be supported by its famous tourism industry.The floating states of the Maldives can be recognized as a series of islands, but are essentially technical miracles of buoyancy and heights. The network of towers takes off to a maximum of 1000 m. above the sea level and their immersion of keel 1000, below, graceful total areas up to 56 times more than the united twin towers of Petronas, supporting the density of its capital, men. Since the population is increasing, more modules can be added to the structure, increasing the heights of the towers and expanding the network, like the development of the Earth, only floating.Thus, we have a dialogue between the highest and lowest in the world, nearby; The look down the remnants of his previous generation of housing, proudly looking up to the new century of urban lines of life. The floating states of the Maldives are a new paradigm of new sovereign states.

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