How to clean the air conditioner

It is no secret that the internal filter of any air conditioner is able to accumulate microbes and dust. Therefore, he needs regular cleaning. Any person can cope with this, without special skills and preparation. How to do it? First of all, turn off the air conditioner from the network. The front cover of the air conditioner is removed without effort, just take it with both hands and carefully pull it over. In the same way, you need to remove two plastic filters that you will see after removing the cover. The vacuum cleaner will cope with strong pollution of the filter. After this procedure, the filter must be washed under a stream of water. By the way, cast -iron radiators are much easier to clean than air conditioning, so when buying an air conditioner, consult a specialist and he will give you a consultation.

Please note that if an unpleasant odor comes from the air conditioner, this indicates the presence of an unfavorable environment that serves as a source of bacterium and microorganisms. You can get rid of them using an alcohol antiseptic or any disinfectant that you can purchase either in a pharmacy or in a supermarket.  Such a tool should be scattered using a spray gun inside the cooler (radiator) and turn on the device to the minimum temperature. A little time will pass and the smell will disappear. Having cleared the filters and dried, they need to be inserted into the air conditioning in the same sequence as you have removed. Remember that air conditioning cannot work without filters. They are heat transfer devices. Therefore, the performance of the air conditioner directly depends on the purity of its filters.