Foot gymnastics
You are familiar with the situation when, after wandering two to three hours at the computer, your legs swell you? Then the gymnastics that we offer was created specifically for you.
Legs usually swell through the fault of veins. Under the influence of gravity, when the legs are in an upright position, stagnant processes in the veins pass. After 30 minutes of continuous seating, the amount of venous blood in each leg increases by almost half a liter of blood. While the legs are healthy, this has no negative consequences, and with violations of venous outflow, this can lead to a serious disease – varicose veins. The risk of getting this disease is large in both men and women, although women, due to the physiological characteristics of the body, are more susceptible to this disease.
To unload the legs from the excess amount of blood, you need to turn on the “muscle pump”. It is quite simple, you just need to walk. Muscle contraction when walking works like a blood pump. True, in modern offices there is a lack of space for walking. In this case, we offer you useful office gymnastics. These exercises can be performed without getting up from the workplace, and without attracting attention to your person from the side of the colleagues. Each of the exercises we recommend doing at least a minute. And the pace of execution is one exercise half an hour after another, or three exercises per hour.
So, let’s begin.
March. Toes should be pulled as much as possible on yourself. The heels remain on the floor. Next, you should take the heels resembling marching. And it doesn’t matter which way to walk. The main thing is to march.
Humpty Dumpty. Put your back on the back of the chair, hands on the armrests. Feet put on the floor. Then tear off the hips from the chair (slightly raise) and start chatting alternately with your feet. Periodically, you should knock on each other with your feet.
Everybody is dancing. One leg becomes on the heel, and the toe is torn from the ground, the other is on the contrary. Then you should raise both legs, and land them in a mirror display of the starting position.
We go on foot. Put your hands on the hips, move the chair a little from the table. With your back you can lean on the back of the chair. Then start marching with your feet, simulating walking along the path. The hips are sure to tear off from the chair, helping yourself with his hands at the same time.
Rolls. Stretch the legs as much as possible and put on the heels. Slightly spread your fingers and start rolling the feet from the outer edge to the internal. Heels, at the same time, hold on weight.
Prozlushchiki. Stretch your legs in front of you, heels on the floor. Strain caviar and finely – finely start drumming with heels on the floor.
Turns. Raise the floor with a straight leg, while you can put your hand or book under your thigh. Then make circular movements of the foot (in the ankle joint).
Hello!! My name is Jeanine
I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!